Thursday, August 25, 2011

First Day of School!!

Wow.  My big girl.

This first week they're starting late, to give the K parents & kids some time to adjust and learn the ropes.  So there were a lot of kids like Av, escorted in by their whole fam damilies.  We ended up getting there pretty early, but so did her friend E. and family, and when their teacher discovered they've known each other since dirt, she switched seat assignments around so they could be next to each other.  That was sweet.

I don't know who's more excited about this whole school thing, her or me.  

Posing in her self-chosen first-day outfit
The look isn't complete without the backpack!
Note El's self-tattoo on right arm, via Sharpie.  Thinks she's clever, that one.

Little Sis needs a backpack, too!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

More New

El:  "Book!"  "Shoe!"  "Gook!" [we think it means "Look!"].  Two-word sentences are emerging.  "Up me!" for example.  Not hard to figure out what that one means.

Av:  Kindergarten starts in five days.  Not only is she going to a great charter school and got the best Kindergarten teacher there, according to parent poll, but as of yesterday one of her very best buddies will now be attending her school and even better, will be in her class.  This is a huge bonus for all, adults and kids alike.

More later...