Saturday, November 24, 2012

A Few Pictures, Before, During, and After Thanksgiving 2012

Ready to run the Turkey Trot at big sister's school.  Goggles are important.

Avery's popsicle stick boat

Side dish: biggest potsticker in the universe.  Avery's idea.  YUM!

To the beach with Aunt Megan

It's never too cold for the beach.

After diving full-body into the waves, in 60 degree weather.  Luckily Mom made her bring her fleece.

Ahhhhhhhh!!!  Water's cooooooold!!!

Tree is decorated!

Hmm.  May have found another ornament.

Mischief time!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween 2012

This was really E.'s first trick-or-treat experience.  She would have gone last year, but she was sick, so stayed home with Dad handing out candy.  She was so excited for this, and she kept up with big kids every step of the way.  Became enraged when I demanded she hold my hand to cross the street.  Weaved through undulating seas of costumed teenagers to extract her piece of candy.  Did a wonderful job saying "bink you!" every time she got one.