Thursday, September 30, 2010

What a Weird Day

Weird good...mostly.  The bad part is we had flooding rains - a really unusual trailing line-up of storms that dumped almost 2 feet of rain on us over the past couple days.  That's a third of the amount of rain we usually get in a year.  And none of the storms were hurricanes or even tropical storm-grade.  The last time we had this much rain was during the one-two punch of Dennis and Floyd back in 1999.  Before that, the last rain this big was in 1871.  Our town has been all over the weather channel today.  Fortunately we have not been personally affected other than GW not being able to go to work and Av being home from school.  In fact we got to have a fun romp in the "rivers" on the sides of our street, and later we saw a huge double rainbow.  I tried to get a picture of it but my camera couldn't capture the colors.

Today was me & GW's 10th wedding anniversary.  The whole family is getting over a stomach virus, in addition to being trapped in the house because of the rain, so we didn't go out.  We broke out our wedding and honeymoon pictures and paraphrenalia and looked through it all with Av.  She thought that was pretty cool.  She's trying to understand what a wedding is, what it means to get married.  Later we made cupcakes.

After we put the kids to bed I came back downstairs to check my email.  Being one of the presidents of the board at Av's school this year means that I have to help decide whether the kids will have school tomorrow, and I knew people would be emailing to ask what the deal is.  Anyway I was greeted in the family room by three tiny baby tree frogs, perched in various places near the back door.  One of them was no bigger than my pinky finger nail. They must have snuck in while we were outside playing in the lake where our back yard used to be.  I thought about finding something to keep them in so Av could see them tomorrow, but I don't really have anything that would serve that purpose and I was afraid I'd end up hurting them.  So I got them to jump into a water cup one by one and set them outside on the patio.  I think it's good luck when frogs get in your house.  Right?  Or is it just that they lower your bug population?  Gee, a rainbow, tree frogs, big anniversary, weird storms....weird day.  Oh, and a poltergeist stole our Bumbo seat.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary - I hope you didn't float away! NC made the national news again for the rain. Hope everyone is feeling better and can resume normal activity now!
