Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween!! Part II: Trick-or-Treat

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahye  LOVE Halloween.

This year, for the first time ever, we left home for trick-or-treat.  Our good friends M. and family, with whom we've spent the past several Halloweens, recently moved to a beautiful new house in a great neighborhood, and they invited us over for the evening.  Despite our minor worries about having the baby out late, a wonderful time was had by all.  As an added bonus, M.'s neighborhood really kicked a whole lot of butt when it came to Halloween to-do.  There were haunted houses in people's garages, over-the-top costumes (on the homeowners, even more than the trick-or-treaters), spooky music blasted from attic rooms, elaborate yard displays. It was super cool.  Av and M. got tons of attention, being among the youngest of the trick-or-treaters out there.  It didn't hurt that they were dressed as Buzz Lightyear and Jessie from Toy Story - both girls were beyond cute.  I so love watching Av enjoy herself so thoroughly.  It's a feeling we grown-ups don't get to have all that often - I guess that's why it's often called the "kid on Christmas morning" feeling.  It's nice to experience it vicariously.

Buzz and Jessie strike up a duet on the piano before heading out for trick-or-treat.

My little lamb (I was Bo Peep) - not too happy about the headpiece, she.

That's better.

Av emerges from the mist with another awesome loot.

Earlier in the day, Av and I decorated cookies to share with our pals:

And since I'm going backwards in time here, might as well put up some cute ones from the day before, when we carved pumpkins:
El accompanies the carving with a homemade shaker.
Av is already looking forward to next Halloween.  Me, too.

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