Saturday, October 29, 2011

Poop, Pee, Potties, Dead Moose, and Throw Up

Colds are going around, and our elder seems to have contracted one from the younger, because last night she started coughing before bed - that dry, continuous, post-nasal drip kind of cough.  We set up a humidifier, and since I know how she rolls when it comes to sleeping with an on-coming cold (and by "sleeping" I mean "not sleeping at all and keeping the rest of the house awake with her") I made her take a belt of cough medicine.  She typically complains on the rare occasions she's required to take something, but tonight's complaining was pretty creative, I thought.  While alternating between microscopic sips of the medicine and huge swallows of water, she declared that the medicine tasted like pee and poop together.  Next sip. "Ewww, now it tastes like pee and poop AND potties!"  Another sip.  "And dead moose!" Last chug.  "Make that pee and poop and potties and dead moose and THROW UP!"

How she knows what any of that stuff tastes like, I don't want to know.

1 comment:

  1. I still use the shooter-y syringe-y thing and squirt down their throats making them gag. Though EJ really like the Grape Delsym, but the 897872340 years it took him to sip it down (the hell is up with THAT?) he was well before the last sip was down. heh.
    Hope everyone gets better soon.
