Wednesday, May 4, 2011

More Fun Than A Pack Of Hairballs

Av's preschool held it's bazzillianth annual "Spring Fling,"  a huge fundraiser and super-fun event for the kids, this past weekend.  As all of us parents organize, design, plan, create, and run the entire day, she had plenty of time to anticipate it and knew a whole lot about what it was going to look like and what activities were on the docket.  The day before, by way of describing exactly how much she was looking forward to it, she declared to me that she knew it was going to be "more fun than playing with a pack of hairballs."  I replied that I certainly hoped so.

This is Av at a recent beach play date with friends. She looks cold, you say?  Yeah, that's because the water was approximately one degree fahrenheit. Five-year-olds "don't care about being cold," as she is often telling me in order to justify, say, wearing a pretty sundress to school in February, or plunging full-body into the chilly surf in late April.  I feel a moral obligation to point out that this photo wasn't taken by me, but rather by my talented friend E.J.

Ostensibly the beach is more fun than hairballs, as well.