Saturday, December 10, 2011

Summary of Recent Developments

Avery - favorite subject in school is art.  Has discovered a love of horses and Batman (?).  Is learning to play chess, taught by Dad.  Getting better and better at reading.  She reads books to little sis all the time. Still wants to take gymnastics, and we are working on finding a way for her to do that.  She and I went to her first ballet, the Nutcracker, a couple weeks ago.  She dressed in finery, and the high

 Elena's new words and phrases are too many to list, but the cutest highlights are: "Dopit!" (Stop whatever you're doing before I put the smack-down on you),  "Go-way!" (self-explanatory), "Wantit!" (also obvious), "Wike-it!" (I don't like it),  "Doo!" (I want one, too),  "Back!" (Put it back, or I want it back).  When helping with the laundry:  "Meents" (pants),  "Gox" (socks), "Doight" (Shirt), "Dacket" (Jacket).  She likes to identify each item of clothing as she pulls it out of the dryer and hands it to me, i.e. "Daddy doight,"  "Lena meents." Singing: "Binkle daw, uhp-ah-bowjah....wike-yeeeewwww!" This is a combination of the parts she knows of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and a song Avery likes from a show on Nick Jr.

Oh, and everyone's current favorite: "Oh bah gosh." (oh my gosh, always said in an incredulous tone).